Music for Little Mozarts Course
3.5 to 6 years / 2 years / 4 books
In the Music for Little Mozarts Course, children will learn music theory and piano through fun games, clapping and coloring. First they will begin to play using their fingers with numbers and then move on to musical notation. The course is designed for 2 years moving through 4 beautiful books, each book is completed in 6 months, when the course ends the child can read and play with great confidence and solid knowledge. They will be ready to continue the next level on the piano.

Music For Little Mozarts, Level 1: 2 Book Set
In piano book 1, children will learn the first musical symbols, black, white, round, the musical alphabet, the correct position of the left and right hand, and end up playing the first melodies in a very safe way that will allow them to follow the book 2, where they start reading on the staff.

Music For Little Mozarts, Level 2
Lesson Book 2 starts as pre-reading, then moves to reading on the staff. After a review, the new concepts taught are: Dotted quarter note and 4/4 time, 4/4 time, Mezzo-forte, Staff and note reading, Steps and skips, Grand staff. New notes taught are F and G in the LH and RH, completing the Middle C position.

Music For Little Mozarts, Level 4
Lesson Book 4 is the last in the Music for Little Mozarts series. After a review, the new concepts taught are: Flat and sharp sign; Tie; Crescendo and diminuendo. After reviewing C position and Middle C position, G position is taught. All three positions are used alternately throughout the rest of the book, with flat and sharp notes incorporated. When the student is finished with Lesson Book 4, he/she move to Bastien Piano Book 1.

Music For Little Mozarts, Levels 1 to Level 4: Flashcards Set
Flash Cards reinforce concepts as they are presented in the Music Lesson Book 1,2 3 & 4. Each card contains a musical symbol or rhythm pattern for the student to identify. Included on the cards are musical terms, keys on the keyboard, notes and rests, rhythm patterns, notes on the staff, steps and skips, intervals on the keyboard, and melodic and harmonic intervals on the staff. The back of the cards contain questions to ask the student about the information on the front of the card.
More about Music For Little Mozart Course : This series provides a simple, attractive approach to teach piano to the younger students. Mozart Mouse and Beethoven Bear guide your students through the lessons, introducing concepts in an easy-to-understand and enjoyable way. The lessons read almost like a story, and they start at the very beginning by talking about the sounds of the piano and proper positioning. Kids will progress to playing simple songs on the groups of black keys, then proceed to finding notes and playing songs on the white keys. By the end of Book 1, kids know and can play five of the seven notes. The lessons and songs in Book 2 get progressively more challenging as the student keeps learning additional notes and concepts. In Book 3, they start learning chords, and by the end of Book 4, they will have learned about various musical styles, composers, reading music, and identifying rhythms and melodic patterns